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2025 – Semester 2

From Chaos to Calm


From Chaos to Calm is a class focused on empowering individuals to manage anxiety, regulate their emotions, and develop the skills needed to cope with stress in healthy ways. This course combines practical techniques with emotional support to guide participants through challenging moments, helping them gain a sense of calm amidst the chaos of daily life. It’s an opportunity to understand and address the underlying causes of anxiety while fostering emotional resilience and self-confidence. In this class, participants will learn how to identify the root causes of anxiety and explore effective strategies for emotional regulation. You’ll discover coping mechanisms [...]

From Chaos to Calm2025-02-13T13:24:27-05:00

Seeds of Change – Youth Program


Session #1 The Meaning of the month of Ramadan - Teaching the concept of fasting, patience,and blessings. Session #2 Acts of Worship in the month of Ramadan - Focusing on prayer, Quran recitation, and giving charity. Session #3 The Nights of Destiny - Explain the importance of the Nights of Destiny and the Holy Quran. Session #4 Celebration of Eid - Reflect on the month of Ramadan and the joy of Eid. Session #1 The Purpose of Fasting - Understand the spiritual and physical benefits of fasting. Session#2 Building Good Habits - Emphasize self-control, charity, and kindness. Session #3 [...]

Seeds of Change – Youth Program2025-02-14T13:41:45-05:00
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