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Marjaeya: A Candid Conversation


This course will help you with understanding the principles at stake and the driving forces that guide the Marjaeya to guide others. It provides an insider's perspective on the most pressing questions of this institution and its history. Students will learn about the topic of Marjaeya, the source of religious authority and guidance for Shia Muslims. The discourse will be guided by the late Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakeem's book, "The Marjaeya: A Candid Conversation". This book, and the course, will allow readers to deepen their understanding of the principles at stake and the driving forces that guide [...]

Marjaeya: A Candid Conversation2024-02-13T12:01:25-05:00

Understanding Goal Setting


Advance the course with more information. Student will obtain a good understanding of how important goals are. It is the guidance system of the brain. Anyone who wants to develop character. Hajj Wissam Bazzi is an entrepreneur, author, and one of the nation's elite life and business strategists. He has worked with high-level CEO's of Multi-Million dollar companies and is recognized in the Direct Sales industry as on of the top training experts in coaching Leadership, Management, Sales, Marketing, and Personal Development. Bazzi commits himself to developing and inspiring young leaders to reach there full potentional and [...]

Understanding Goal Setting2024-02-13T12:01:25-05:00

How can I Stop Procrastinating?


Procrastination can be a significant problem for students and others in all parts of life. This session will help participants identify causes of procrastination and ways of managing and treating the problem. Students will learn different causes for procrastination, how a small task can turn into something much bigger, and strategies to better manage and treat this problem. Students in colleges and universities will benefit from this session, as well as adults who have trouble procrastinating and delaying tasks and responsibilities and who want to learn strategies to better manage this problem. Sayyid Ahmed Almusawi is a [...]

How can I Stop Procrastinating?2024-02-13T12:01:25-05:00

Understanding Discipline


This course will help me with my own self discipline and development. I would have to research the concept thoroughly and a reference will be provided. This course will help a person become aware that when someone hands you the freedom of choice, they are handling responsibility. Responsibility requires discipline and discipline is doing the boring stuff before the fun stuff. Anyone who is struggling with making impulsive decisions and does not understand how to protect there short-term and long-term interest. Hajj Wissam Bazzi is an entrepreneur, author, and one of the nation's elite life and business [...]

Understanding Discipline2024-02-13T12:01:25-05:00

Theological Discussion (2)


This course will help engage in  practical topics of discussion in our theology. This course will allow participants to engage in discussions about the basic beliefs of Shia Muslims. The course will cover major topics from the need for having a belief system, to the centrality of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s), to our worldview, to the Immaculate Imams of Ahl al-Bayt, and their position within our belief system. The first and most central concept in our belief system is tawḥīd; our belief in God Almighty’s oneness, justice, and other attributes. Our relationship with God should be based on [...]

Theological Discussion (2)2024-02-13T12:01:25-05:00

90 Day Career Diet


ARE YOU ENGAGED IN YOUR CURRENT JOB? Do you wake up every morning ready to go, or do you hit the snooze button–literally and figuratively? DOES YOUR BOSS RECOGNIZE YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS? When was the last time your boss acknowledged what you do? How well did you do on your last performance review—have you even had one in the last 12 months? ARE YOU CONSIDERED INDISPENSABLE? Are you the go-to person for your boss and the team, who does whatever it takes to get things done? WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WERE PROMOTED? Two years ago? Five years ago? Longer? [...]

90 Day Career Diet2024-02-13T12:01:25-05:00

Learning It All


My company doesn’t offer much in terms of formal training. How can I learn more? Keep in mind the 70-20-10 rule of thumb. Formal training accounts for only about 10 percent of development; 70 percent is from on-the-job experiences, and 20 percent is from other people, such as your boss. Learning and development occur in first-time situations and difficult challenges. Look for ways to stretch and grow by volunteering for new assignments and going outside your comfort zone. There’s nothing like a complex problem or a good crisis to accelerate your learning. Based on: Advance by Burnison, Gary. Learning [...]

Learning It All2024-02-13T12:01:25-05:00

Going Global


How can I improve my chances of success working in a global space? Prepare for the learning experience of a lifetime. This is full immersion into the new and different—with a full measure of challenges (personal and professional), frustrations, and adventures. It’s a given: learn all you can before you leave. But that’s only baseline knowledge. Keep your mind open, drop your biases and preferences for how things should be done, and learn the nuances of the culture, customs, and norms of doing business. Be gracious and respectful—because you’re going to make mistakes. Before leaving, know exactly what you’re [...]

Going Global2024-02-13T12:01:25-05:00

Tapping Your Right Brain


I’m very good at what I do. I’m the best performer on the team–and smarter than everybody else, too. But I’m not getting promoted as fast as I think I should be. Why can’t they see how valuable I am? Based on: Advance by Burnison, Gary. By becoming more self-reflective and self-aware, you’ll understand your true strengths, have the clarity to identify and work on your weaknesses, and achieve a better balance between left brain and right brain. Your left brain got you here; your right brain will take you there. An IQ of 150 is pointless if your [...]

Tapping Your Right Brain2024-02-13T12:01:25-05:00

Self-Awareness (1)


What is the one of the top reasons, that your career and life advancements are derailed, and how can you overcome that? Self-awareness is everything. If you are not self-aware, you will never learn, never grow, and definitely never improve. You will ignore your blind spots, overestimate your strengths, and gloss over your weaknesses. And that is a recipe for derailing your career. The cost of self-delusion is high. Research shows that people who greatly overstate their abilities are 6.2 times more likely to derail than those who have accurate self-awareness. If that isn’t a case for becoming more [...]

Self-Awareness (1)2024-02-13T12:01:25-05:00
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