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The Holy Qur’an – A Historical Overview


They will learn the different names of the Holy Quran, the stages of revelation, how the quran was safeguarded from alteration, and how was it written and compile. H. Bahrelelom is a strategist, lecturer, and public intellectual. His studies under the tutelage of the professors of the Islamic Seminary, and his lectures in communities across the globe, have ranged across theology, jurisprudence, philosophy, ethics, and community development.In addition to serving as an advisor and trustee of the Mainstay Foundation, Sayyid Bahrelelom is a strategy consultant at a DC-based research and advisory firm. Date & Time  Friday: January 26, [...]

The Holy Qur’an – A Historical Overview2024-02-13T12:01:22-05:00

Living Life to the Fullest


What is the meaning of living a full and rich life? A discussion on what constitutes a full life and how to achieve it? Elweya Buthaina Bahrelelom PhD LPC is a mental health counselor in private practice focusing on women’s issues and youth. Additionally, she is an adjunct faculty member in the Chicago School of Professional Psychology in the Clinical Mental Health graduate online program. Date & Time  Saturday: November 04, 2023 from 11:00AM – 12:00PM Duration: 60 Minutes Where: The Innovation & Leadership Center (15170 N. Commerce Dr. Dearborn, MI 48120) register today! [...]

Living Life to the Fullest2024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

How to be a Dad and How to be a Father


Becoming a father is a momentous and transformative experience, but it doesn't come with a manual. This course, "How to Be a Dad and How to Be a Father," is designed to provide soon-to-be fathers, new dads, and experienced fathers alike with valuable insights, skills, and strategies to navigate the challenges and joys of fatherhood. Course Overview In this comprehensive course, we will explore the multifaceted journey of fatherhood, addressing the key aspects and responsibilities of being a dad and a father. Module 1: Embracing Fatherhood 1.1 — The Evolution of Fatherhood Delve into the historical and societal changes in [...]

How to be a Dad and How to be a Father2024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

Negotiate to Win in Business


Negotiation is a fundamental skill that transcends the confines of boardrooms and conference tables; it's a life skill essential for personal and professional growth. In this comprehensive course, "Mastering Negotiation Skills for Business Success," you will gain the knowledge and expertise to navigate complex business negotiations confidently and finesse. By the end of this course, you will have internalized these fundamental negotiation rules and be equipped with practical strategies to apply them effectively in various business scenarios. Whether you're a seasoned executive, an emerging entrepreneur, or someone simply seeking to enhance their interpersonal skills, this course will empower you with [...]

Negotiate to Win in Business2024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

Emulation in Jurisprudence


This course will give the attendee a better understanding of jurisprudence, as well as addressing the emulation of a scholar. As a practicing Muslim you must ensure that you have done your utmost to know God's law. Unless you can take the path of the Mujtahid, the next surest way is to do taglid of the best jurist. In this way, you guarantee that you are free from blame vis-à-vis your duty to God because you are making your best effort to know and follow the law by relying on the top expert in the field. This workshop gives [...]

Emulation in Jurisprudence2024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

Self Deception


This course will give the attendee a better understanding of self-deception, and how to free ourselves to see a better outcome. Self-deception can blind us to real causes behind problems - not only does it erode our effectiveness in work and life, it can spread like a virus to infect everyone around us. Self-deception is a process of denying or rationalizing away the relevance, significance, or importance of opposing evidence and logical argument. Self-deception involves convincing oneself of a truth (or lack of truth) so that one does not reveal any self-knowledge of the deception. These sessions explains the [...]

Self Deception2024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

Ethics Discussions


This course will help students in learning some practical topics of discussion in Muslim Ethics. This course will allow participants to engage in discussions about the ethical worldview of Shia Muslims. The course will cover major topics from heedlessness about Allah, to piety and how it should be practiced in our daily lives, to the approach and outlook a believer should have towards tests and trials. The course will begin with discussing and understanding the concept of heedlessness, as well as practical ways to remedy this ethical ailment. Heedlessness and its remedies will be a central point of concern [...]

Ethics Discussions2024-02-13T12:01:24-05:00

Understanding Performance


This class will teach you how to move out of your comfort zone and overcome challenges at the highest level. You will begin to understand the techniques necessary to avoid comfort, take risks, and conquer your goals. What “flow” is and the importance of maintaining the flow Why confidence is necessary when staying in the flow How anxiety, apathy, and boredom occur when trying to conquer a challenge How to balance challenge level and one’s skill set for the flow to occur Where flow occurs and the three levels of responsibility The eight factors of flow and the importance [...]

Understanding Performance2024-02-13T12:01:24-05:00

Understanding Self-Confidence


This class will help you with escaping the mental cage you have created for yourself and take control of your life today. This class will teach you how to take over your negative mindset and dominate it. You will begin to understand what it takes to believe in your own decision-making ability and to trust it. I know how distressing it feels not to believe in yourself and how upsetting it is to try to find your way at the time life beats you to the ground with challenges that can overwhelm you. Escape the mental cage and take [...]

Understanding Self-Confidence2024-02-13T12:01:24-05:00

Setting Healthy Boundaries


The concept of setting healthy boundaries may be foreign for many of us. This session will help participants learn about individual needs and balancing these needs with cultural and religious expectations in order to maximize one's potential and improve mental health. Students will learn how to set healthy boundaries and have more realistic expectations of themselves. They will also learn how to help others understand them and their needs, as well as their limits. Anyone 17 and older can benefit from this session. Sayyid Ahmed Almusawi is a licensed mental health counselor who holds a master’s degree [...]

Setting Healthy Boundaries2024-02-13T12:01:24-05:00
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