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TMF Admin

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So far TMF Admin has created 75 blog entries.

Self-Awareness (1)


What is the one of the top reasons, that your career and life advancements are derailed, and how can you overcome that? Self-awareness is everything. If you are not self-aware, you will never learn, never grow, and definitely never improve. You will ignore your blind spots, overestimate your strengths, and gloss over your weaknesses. And that is a recipe for derailing your career. The cost of self-delusion is high. Research shows that people who greatly overstate their abilities are 6.2 times more likely to derail than those who have accurate self-awareness. If that isn’t a case for becoming more [...]

Self-Awareness (1)2024-02-13T12:01:25-05:00

Praying & Taharah Workshop


What are the rules and etiquette of prayer? “Prayer is the pillar of faith. If it is accepted, all else is accepted. If it is rejected, all else is rejected.” -The Holy Prophet Muhammad (s). This workshop will walk participants through the proper way to perform prayers. Participants will learn the proper way to purify their bodies and gain spiritual purity in preparation for prayer. Participants will also learn the parts, rules, and etiquettes of prayer. As part of the workshop, participant’s recitation of Surat al-Fatihah and Surat al-Ikhlas will be assessed and corrected. By the end of the [...]

Praying & Taharah Workshop2024-02-13T12:01:25-05:00

Decision Making


How do I make decisions that I don't have to clean up later? Also, how do I make decisions that lay down more track in the future so I can go faster?   How are hope and fear connected to every decision?   The importance of goal setting and how it is connected to decision making.   How to go setting supported by neuroscience.    How is piety? (God-consciousness) connected to decision-making.   Age group 18-32  Education level college/university  Background if necessary  Professional level Hajj Wissam Bazzi is an entrepreneur, author, and one of the nation's elite life and business strategists. He [...]

Decision Making2024-02-13T12:01:26-05:00

Public Speaking


Are you intimidated by public speaking? Is your fear of communicating to groups of people limiting your growth and opportunity? This course will help you build the skills and awareness to overcome that. Most people are intimidated by public speaking. In fact, according to an American study, 75% of people fear public speaking more than they fear death! Perhaps it has a lot more to do with the psychology of communication then it does with the act speaking.   In this program, you will learn about and delve into strategies and tools of effective communication and how one can tackle [...]

Public Speaking2024-02-13T12:01:26-05:00

Theological Discussion (1)


What are some practical topics of discussion in our theology? This course will allow participants to engage in discussions about the basic beliefs of Shia Muslims. The course will cover major topics from the need for having a belief system, to the centrality of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) to our worldview, to the Immaculate Imams of Ahl al-Bayt and their position within our belief system. The first and most central concept in our belief system is tawḥīd; our belief in God Almighty’s oneness, justice, and other attributes. Our relationship with God should be based on our understanding of [...]

Theological Discussion (1)2024-02-13T12:01:26-05:00
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