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TMF Admin

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So far TMF Admin has created 79 blog entries.

Reflections on Surat At-Tawheed


By far amongst the most important chapters in the Holy Quran. Most of us read it daily in our prayers. In this discussion, we will reflect on the verses of this Chapter and discuss the meanings. We will depend on very well established commentaries as our resources and references to guide us through this discourse. Sources Title: An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur'an. Compiler: Ayatullah Sayyid Kamal Faqhih Imani. Translator: Mr. Sayyid Abbas Sadr-Ameli. H. Bahrelelom is a strategist, lecturer, and public intellectual. His studies under the tutelage of the professors of the Islamic Seminary, and [...]

Reflections on Surat At-Tawheed2024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

Thinking Fast and Slow


In this workshop, based on the book, Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman, winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, where summarizes decades of research, it will help us understand what really goes on inside our heads - the psychological basis for our reactions, judgments, perceptions and choices. By learning how our mind works, being aware of our intuitive biases and errors of judgement, we can improve our decision-making skills, shape how we think and how we live our lives. References Book: Thinking Fast and Slow Author: Daniel Kahneman H. Bahrelelom is a strategist, lecturer, and public [...]

Thinking Fast and Slow2024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

Grit: The Power of Passion & Perseverance


GRIT has been found to be a stronger predictor of high-achievement than intelligence, talent and other personality traits. In this workshop,we will explains why this is so and how we can cultivate grit in both ourselves and others to accomplish more in life. Reference Book: GRIT: The Power of Passion & Perseverance as a reference. Author: Angela Duckworth H. Bahrelelom is a strategist, lecturer, and public intellectual. His studies under the tutelage of the professors of the Islamic Seminary, and his lectures in communities across the globe, have ranged across theology, jurisprudence, philosophy, ethics, and community development.In addition to [...]

Grit: The Power of Passion & Perseverance2024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

How to be a Dad and How to be a Father


Becoming a father is a momentous and transformative experience, but it doesn't come with a manual. This course, "How to Be a Dad and How to Be a Father," is designed to provide soon-to-be fathers, new dads, and experienced fathers alike with valuable insights, skills, and strategies to navigate the challenges and joys of fatherhood. Course Overview In this comprehensive course, we will explore the multifaceted journey of fatherhood, addressing the key aspects and responsibilities of being a dad and a father. Module 1: Embracing Fatherhood 1.1 — The Evolution of Fatherhood Delve into the historical and societal changes in [...]

How to be a Dad and How to be a Father2024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

Negotiate to Win in Business


Negotiation is a fundamental skill that transcends the confines of boardrooms and conference tables; it's a life skill essential for personal and professional growth. In this comprehensive course, "Mastering Negotiation Skills for Business Success," you will gain the knowledge and expertise to navigate complex business negotiations confidently and finesse. By the end of this course, you will have internalized these fundamental negotiation rules and be equipped with practical strategies to apply them effectively in various business scenarios. Whether you're a seasoned executive, an emerging entrepreneur, or someone simply seeking to enhance their interpersonal skills, this course will empower you with [...]

Negotiate to Win in Business2024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

Inspire Retreat – DC


Attendees will delve into practical strategies for understanding, managing, and harnessing their emotions as powerful tools for growth. Through dynamic exercises, real-world scenarios, and interactive discussions, participants will refine their communication styles, learning to convey thoughts and emotions with clarity, empathy, and authenticity. The retreat is designed for serious and dedicated individuals that are striving for self betterment and empowerment to be active members in their communities. Inayat Moledina is an experienced Leadership Development Facilitator and regularly runs high energy, interactive workshops on various topics including personality types, conflict management and communication skills. He is fascinated by human [...]

Inspire Retreat – DC2024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

Experience Ziyara – 2023


Introduction Whether it is your first time or tenth, experiencing Ziyara with Mainstay is one of a kind. Join us for a spiritual retreat in Iraq — the Cradle of Civilization and the Home of the Shrine Cities: Najaf, Karbala, Kadhimiya and Samarra. We are committed to having everyone who joins to not only leave spiritually uplifted in their journey to the shrine cities, but to come away with a greater understanding of their faith. This is guaranteed through English guides and programming to allow all who participate to learn in the language they understand best. Experience Ziyara — not [...]

Experience Ziyara – 20232024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

Husayn Service Day 2023


Introduction Husayn Service Day (Saturday, July 22th, 2023) is a national day of service in honor of the legacy of Imam Husayn (a). For the 6th year in a row, we are coming together to give back to our communities. This national day of service honors the teachings of Imam Husayn through acts of service and giving back. Whether it is gardening at your local mosque or church, helping the elderly, donating blood, or serving meals at a soup kitchen, we invite you to go out and serve your community. Join us in extending our hands to others. Like Imam [...]

Husayn Service Day 20232024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

Husayni Expressions 2023


Introduction Building on the success of the Husayni Expressions Competition over the last five years, The Mainstay Foundation is proud to continue this effort and host a national competition that will bring out amazing talent and creativity all in the service of Imam Husayn (as). In its enhanced format, the Husayni Expressions Competition aims to provide an effective platform to encourage and inspire the youth to utilize their creative talents to serve The Ahlulbayt (as). Be it a poem, portrait, latmiya, video presentation, or any other form of creativity, it is through our expressions that we propagate the undying message of [...]

Husayni Expressions 20232024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

Book Event: This My Love Isn’t Goodbye


We are excited to announce that we will be holding a book talk and signing with author Paul McCoy on his published book, 'This My Love Isn't Goodbye'. Seating is limited so please RSVP to reserve your seat and join us on Friday, July 14th, 2023 at 7 p.m. at The Mainstay Foundation's Innovation and Leadership Center. "In search of truth, little did I anticipate that my journey would take me from Georgia, across oceans, all the way to the Fertile Crescent. Working through the misconceptions of the region, Iraq was transformed in my heart to a place of [...]

Book Event: This My Love Isn’t Goodbye2024-03-02T13:35:03-05:00
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