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TMF Admin

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So far TMF Admin has created 75 blog entries.

The Holy Qur’an – A Historical Overview


They will learn the different names of the Holy Quran, the stages of revelation, how the quran was safeguarded from alteration, and how was it written and compile. H. Bahrelelom is a strategist, lecturer, and public intellectual. His studies under the tutelage of the professors of the Islamic Seminary, and his lectures in communities across the globe, have ranged across theology, jurisprudence, philosophy, ethics, and community development.In addition to serving as an advisor and trustee of the Mainstay Foundation, Sayyid Bahrelelom is a strategy consultant at a DC-based research and advisory firm. Date & Time  Friday: January 26, [...]

The Holy Qur’an – A Historical Overview2024-02-13T12:01:22-05:00

Transformation: A Journey Within


Join us for Mainstay’s Transformation: A Journey Within Banquet Dinner. We are celebrating the Foundation’s commitment to innovation in service and developing the leaders of tomorrow. The dinner will take place on February 9th at 06:30PM at the Bint Jebail Cultural Center in Dearborn, MI. Sponsor the event and purchase your tables/tickets below

Transformation: A Journey Within2024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

Wills, Trusts, & Planning for Muslim Families


What is an Islamic will and how should a Muslim utilize the legal system in order to plan for this world and the next. This workshop will allow participants to understand the concepts of wills, trusts, and planning, from both a legal and an Islamic point of view. The workshop will cover the concept of Islamic wills and whether or not they become obligatory for the individual. The workshop will also discuss the rules, practices, and ethics of writing an Islamic will. The workshop will also cover the Islamic system of inheritance as outlined in the verses of the [...]

Wills, Trusts, & Planning for Muslim Families2024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

Living Life to the Fullest


What is the meaning of living a full and rich life? A discussion on what constitutes a full life and how to achieve it? Elweya Buthaina Bahrelelom PhD LPC is a mental health counselor in private practice focusing on women’s issues and youth. Additionally, she is an adjunct faculty member in the Chicago School of Professional Psychology in the Clinical Mental Health graduate online program. Date & Time  Saturday: November 04, 2023 from 11:00AM – 12:00PM Duration: 60 Minutes Where: The Innovation & Leadership Center (15170 N. Commerce Dr. Dearborn, MI 48120) register today! [...]

Living Life to the Fullest2024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

Anxiety and Friendship


This day and age we all struggle with social anxiety and social connection. We feel like we don’t belong, and we struggle to build meaningful friendships. Let’s tackle this social fear, build confidence, and create meaningful friendships. Age Group: 18-30 Sister Malak Berro is a licensed clinical therapist, with a masters degree in Social Work. Malak has been in the field for about 13 years. Her experience ranges from inpatient mental health to clinics, to now having her private practice. She has worked with many different populations in California and has returned to this city to do outreach to [...]

Anxiety and Friendship2024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

Experiencing the Fall Blues


The fall season approaching brings many thoughts and feelings along with it. A brief discussion about how to use this time for healing and growth, rather than feeling sadness and gloom. Elweya Buthaina Bahrelelom PhD LPC is a mental health counselor in private practice focusing on women’s issues and youth. Additionally, she is an adjunct faculty member in the Chicago School of Professional Psychology in the Clinical Mental Health graduate online program. Date & Time  Saturday: October 07, 2023 from 11:00AM – 12:00PM Duration: 60 Minutes Where: The Innovation & Leadership Center (15170 N. Commerce Dr. Dearborn, MI 48120) [...]

Experiencing the Fall Blues2024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

Reflections on Surat At-Tawheed


By far amongst the most important chapters in the Holy Quran. Most of us read it daily in our prayers. In this discussion, we will reflect on the verses of this Chapter and discuss the meanings. We will depend on very well established commentaries as our resources and references to guide us through this discourse. Sources Title: An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur'an. Compiler: Ayatullah Sayyid Kamal Faqhih Imani. Translator: Mr. Sayyid Abbas Sadr-Ameli. H. Bahrelelom is a strategist, lecturer, and public intellectual. His studies under the tutelage of the professors of the Islamic Seminary, and [...]

Reflections on Surat At-Tawheed2024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

Thinking Fast and Slow


In this workshop, based on the book, Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman, winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, where summarizes decades of research, it will help us understand what really goes on inside our heads - the psychological basis for our reactions, judgments, perceptions and choices. By learning how our mind works, being aware of our intuitive biases and errors of judgement, we can improve our decision-making skills, shape how we think and how we live our lives. References Book: Thinking Fast and Slow Author: Daniel Kahneman H. Bahrelelom is a strategist, lecturer, and public [...]

Thinking Fast and Slow2024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

Grit: The Power of Passion & Perseverance


GRIT has been found to be a stronger predictor of high-achievement than intelligence, talent and other personality traits. In this workshop,we will explains why this is so and how we can cultivate grit in both ourselves and others to accomplish more in life. Reference Book: GRIT: The Power of Passion & Perseverance as a reference. Author: Angela Duckworth H. Bahrelelom is a strategist, lecturer, and public intellectual. His studies under the tutelage of the professors of the Islamic Seminary, and his lectures in communities across the globe, have ranged across theology, jurisprudence, philosophy, ethics, and community development.In addition to [...]

Grit: The Power of Passion & Perseverance2024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00

How to be a Dad and How to be a Father


Becoming a father is a momentous and transformative experience, but it doesn't come with a manual. This course, "How to Be a Dad and How to Be a Father," is designed to provide soon-to-be fathers, new dads, and experienced fathers alike with valuable insights, skills, and strategies to navigate the challenges and joys of fatherhood. Course Overview In this comprehensive course, we will explore the multifaceted journey of fatherhood, addressing the key aspects and responsibilities of being a dad and a father. Module 1: Embracing Fatherhood 1.1 — The Evolution of Fatherhood Delve into the historical and societal changes in [...]

How to be a Dad and How to be a Father2024-02-13T12:01:23-05:00
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