Basic Arabic Grammar

This introductory course is designed for beginners eager to explore the fundamentals of Arabic grammar. The class will cover essential topics, including:

  • Sentence Structure: Understand the basic sentence structure in Arabic, including subject, verb, and object placement.
  • Some Nouns and Pronouns: Familiarize yourself with the forms and functions of nouns and pronouns in Arabic, including gender distinctions and pluralization.
  • Verb Conjugation: Grasp the basics of verb conjugation in the present tense, enabling you to form simple sentences.
  • Some Prepositions and Connectors: Learn how to use prepositions and connectors to link words and phrases, creating coherent sentences.

By the end of the course, students will be able to construct simple sentences, understand basic grammatical rules, and begin to communicate in Arabic at a foundational level. The course will include interactive exercises, practice sessions, and plenty of opportunities to ask questions and receive personalized feedback.

Sayyid Haidar Bahreluloom is a strategist, lecturer, and public intellectual. He studies under the tutelage of the professors of the Islamic Seminary and lectures in communities across the globe on topics ranging from theology, jurisprudence, philosophy, ethics, and community development. In addition to serving as an advisor and trustee of the Mainstay Foundation, Sayyid Haidar Bahreluloom is a strategy consultant at a DC-based research and advisory firm.

  • Date & Time 
    • August 17, 2024
    • 08:00AM to 12:00PM
  • Duration
    • 1 Session
    • 4 Hours
  • Where
    • The Mainstay Foundation
    • 15170 N. Commerce Dr. Dearborn, MI 48120

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