Procrastination can be a significant problem for students and others in all parts of life. This session will help participants identify causes of procrastination and ways of managing and treating the problem. |
Students will learn different causes for procrastination, how a small task can turn into something much bigger, and strategies to better manage and treat this problem. |
Students in colleges and universities will benefit from this session, as well as adults who have trouble procrastinating and delaying tasks and responsibilities and who want to learn strategies to better manage this problem.
Sayyid Ahmed Almusawi is a licensed mental health counselor who holds a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and has been practicing in the field since 2017. He has worked with clients of all ages and currently provides therapy to older teens and adults. He moved from Pennsylvania to Michigan with his family in 2019 in order to be part of the larger Muslim community there. He is passionate about spreading mental health awareness and has held several events at Islamic centers, actively recorded and written psycho-education material online, and has been invited to programs to speak about mental health. He also taught Intro to Counseling Skills at Mufid Academic Seminary. In October of 2022, he launched 313 Counseling, a private practice located inside the Islamic Institute of America, offering in-person and tele-health options, aiming to better serve the Muslim community’s mental health needs in the area and across Michigan.
- Date: Tuesday 02/07/2023
- Time: 06:00 PM – 7:30 PM
- Duration: 90 minutes
- Where: The Innovation & Leadership Center (15170 N. Commerce Dr. Dearborn, MI 48120)