How can I improve my chances of success working in a global space?
- Prepare for the learning experience of a lifetime.
- This is full immersion into the new and different—with a full measure of challenges (personal and professional), frustrations, and adventures. It’s a given: learn all you can before you leave.
- But that’s only baseline knowledge.
- Keep your mind open, drop your biases and preferences for how things should be done, and learn the nuances of the culture, customs, and norms of doing business.
- Be gracious and respectful—because you’re going to make mistakes.
- Before leaving, know exactly what you’re getting into, how long it will last, and how you will get home again.
- In other words, negotiate your way out of your expat assignment as you negotiate your way in.
- Lead with both your intellectual and emotional curiosity, along with self-confidence in your ability to be flexible and adapt.
- Know that no matter how much you study and prepare, you will make countless mistakes, especially at first.
- Rely on your colleagues to coach and guide you. They’re your lifeline. Immerse yourself in local social rituals.
Anyone who is interested to be successful in life and in their career, should attend this session. It will help them reflect on who they are and get a better understanding on where they are in life and career. Living an illusion is not healthy, get real and know yourself better now.
This session is best suited to individuals ages 18+, who are attending college and looking to enter the work force and start their careers.
H. Bahrelelom is a strategist, lecturer, and public intellectual. His studies under the tutelage of the professors of the Islamic Seminary, and his lectures in communities across the globe, have ranged across theology, jurisprudence, philosophy, ethics, and community development.In addition to serving as an advisor and trustee of the Mainstay Foundation, Sayyid Bahrelelom is a strategy consultant at a DC-based research and advisory firm.
- Date: Wednesday 11/09/2022
- Time: 06:00 PM – 8:00 PM
- Duration: 120 minutes
- Where: The Innovation & Leadership Center (15170 N. Commerce Dr. Dearborn, MI 48120)